
My name is Brent S. Wade, but my friends call me Fader.

See that picture up there. That's my family and me. They mean the world to me. 

They are the reason why I've been "underground" with all my knowledge and expertise. I can't tell you how many business ideas I've pulled back on, leadership positions I've declined, courses I've not created, books I haven't published all because I wanted to be present, WITH THEM.

You see, I think being a dad is the most profound obligation we have and a great honor. I appreciate my dad so much for what he taught me. I wanted to play full out in the role of father and husband more than any other opportunity.

I am at a different stage in life now. My children are now out of the house and I'm ready to start engaging with my audience.

I've had the privilege to learn a great deal about the following eight categories and these are the things I want to share with you. These eight categories make up what I call "The Pyramid." 

1. Social
2. Financial
3. Relationships
4. Business
5. Physical
6. Spiritual
7. Sexual
8. Emotional

I see so many experts out there that focus on only one of these categories, or rather, one aspect of a category. 

We all live very busy and interrelated lives. One category impacts all; I've made it my goal to create a coaching experience for my clients to address all these areas of life.

The fact is, you want to succeed in all areas of life. I do too. And I pay a lot of money to have three separate coaches support me in improving my life. But I don't want you to worry about three independent coaches.

Instead, you can have Trust It coaching. A one-stop-shop for all of life's problems. A one-stop shop coach can help you no matter where you are and what you are doing.

Everyone needs a coach. And the kind of coaching I do is centered on helping you find your divinity. It's not just about bringing out the best in you. It's about recognizing that the best of you is already here. You are fundamentally, inherently divine.

This page is not about me. It's about YOU. My job is to make you the star of your story. 

So if you want to dive deeper into what I teach, check out the courses here.

Copyright 2021. All Rights Reserved. Trust It Coaching LLC